Review of 2017

My now-traditional end of year review is here! It’s been a busy old year again (though it often doesn’t seem like it at the time). Amongst other things, this year I have:

– Launched my new art prints (and printed textiles) Etsy shop, Bellbird & Button
– Joined the wonderful Oxford Etsy Team, had my items stocked in their very successful pop up shop, and was also chosen to have a stall at the very popular Etsy Made Local market in December
– Started getting a veg box delivered by Abel & Cole to try to improve how adventurous I am with my diet. This has proved to be very successful, and my boyfriend has started getting their soup box too. I only get one delivered every three weeks so it’s not too extravagant and it really has made a difference. Discount code here if you want to try one yourself!
– Inspired by said veg box, I designed a vegetable pattern and had it made into tote bags, tea towels and aprons. Soon to be listed on my Etsy shop…
– I volunteered at the Oxford Half Marathon again – fourth year in a row! This year I was making sure that runners took the correct route to the start and then handing out goodie bags at the end.
– I participated in Creative Sprint October 2017
– I went on holiday to Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne region of France with my boyfriend, and had a truly memorable meal at a Michelin star restaurant
– I volunteered at the IAAF World Athletics Championships and World Para Athletics Championships – events I’ve had my eye on since they were announced in 2013! I had the BEST time being a Spectator Services volunteer at both events. I really, really recommend volunteering, and I’m already signed up for a few opportunities this year, as well as looking ahead to future events… (Commonwealth Games 2022, anyone?)
– I bought a new hybrid road bike and entered the ballot for Ride London 100 2018… I’m aiming to complete the London Classics some day
– Helped the Co-op test out their Now Cook It campaign
– Had my first skiing lessons as I’ve been inveigled into going skiing this month and I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be a total disaster
– Volunteered at the UEFA Champion’s League Finals in Cardiff… including a ‘starring’ role in the UEFA Women’s Champions League Final opening ceremony
– Went to the truly epic immersive Secret Cinema experience of Moulin Rouge
– Started having Crafternoons with friends where we have chat, food and crafts!

Last year’s resolutions were to be more eco-friendly, buy more mindfully and try to save some money. I’m please to say that my mail-order habit is now under control, and I managed to beat my savings target for the year by quite a way. Eco-friendliness is something that will always need to be worked on but I have successfully changed some of my behaviours and buying habits and will continue to work on the rest!

I was also supposed to work on my all-or-nothing approach to life but that’s not really changed… guess I’m stuck with it!

This year my main aims (resolutions?) are to really sort out my Etsy life. Now that I have two shops, I need to take control of my making-space, my finances, records and inventory; I need to design and make and list some new things; I need to work out which direction I want it all to go in and actively seek to make the required changes. A lot of work, but hopefully it will be worth it. Any advice will be gratefully received!

Outside of Etsy, there are a good few exciting things in the pipeline already, so it will be interesting to see how they worked out when I do my review at the end of 2018!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year 🙂


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